Wednesday 18 May 2011

Ryan Moosler?

I got the CD! Trekked out to the mall today to find that hmv had only one copy of the Parachute cd left.  Finally.  Yeah it was a really exciting trip to the mall.  I bought a cd, a movie (27 Dresses and The Devil Wears Prada.  Both for 10 bucks.  Score) and two ice capps (one for my sister who was home sick for the day... they weren't BOTH for me).  Yay! I'm loving the new album though, i listened to it on the car trip home.  It made waiting for a train not that bad.  I rolled down the windows, and enjoyed the sunshine for a few minutes with some good tunes and a half melted frozen coffee beverage. Mmmmmm.


Don't you hate when you miss 11:11 by a minute? You look and the clock says 11:09.  Okay, cool.  We might catch it.  And then you look again and it says 11:12.  I'm not super superstitious (well that's fun to say) but it's fun to randomly wish because it's a certain time of day.  But if you work on the 24hr clock (not really sure who does unless it's in the military) then 11:11pm actually becomes 23:11.  Not so lucky it seems.  So if you enjoy eating dinner at 1800 and don't bother with the am and pm notation, try wishing at 22:22.  (Or 10:22 pm).  Hell, I think it might work.

My dog is dreaming.  To the point where he's whining and growling in his sleep.  And yipping.  Oh this is too funny.  You catch them rabbits.  Get em.

Soooo, the Vancouver/San Jose game was a gong show.  Oh wow.
Vancouver won.  7 - 3.  Come the third period they were just racking up the score.  Poor Antti Niemi.  He's a good goalie, helped the hawks to their Stanley Cup last year.  But the Sharks just started to lose it by the end of the game. Ben Eager especially.  He took 4 penalties, including 1 major... I think.  Don't hold me to that.  Yelling, trying to start fights.  Also a former hawk.  But he sort of single handedly started the Sharks downhill in that game.  It was hard to watch near the end.

And I am not a Ryan Kesler fan.  He doesn't suck.  No... he's actually really good.  But still, I am a bitter Chicago fan, and cannot root for them nucks in any way.
My sister made an interesting point... Ryan Kesler... looks a bit like a moose.  You know how some people look like their dogs, and other people have a haircut that makes them resemble Mufassa?  Yeah well, something about Kesler makes him rather... moose-ish.

Maybe you don't see it.  But my sister and I agreed, and so did some other people. It's the nose.  Gotta be the schnozz.  And the playoff beard.

Sorry Kesler, but it could be worse.  At least 'moose' popped into my sisters head, and not 'naked mole rat' or something.

Now the dog woke up.  In a hurry.  The rabbits must've turned on him or something.  Bad dream.  So now he's all curled up beside me on the couch.  Just don't tell my mom, he's not supposed to be on the furniture...

Have you seen Orlando Blooms new commercial? Swoon.  He's married to Miranda Kerr who happens to be a Victoria's Secret Angel.  Their children will be beautiful.  But back to this Hugo Boss commercial. Mmm.

 Falling asleep to Parachute tonight.  May is the month of new albums! Lady Gaga next week! And Death Cab on the 31st!
This is parachutefan, signing off.

Wait no, I'm back again.  I posted, and then hit the 'next blog' button, just to see what a few other people were blogging about.  One person blog was about how important God was in their life and how they are volunteering everywhere.  Another person was talking about helping out an animal shelter and homeless dogs.

What do I blog about? How the nose of Vancouver player Ryan Kesler resembles that of a moose.  Wow.  It's good to know I'm contributing to society!  Sheesh

Hey, if you get the chance, check out Cinema Club, a highly entertaining blog dedicated to reviewing a variety of movies.  Might I mention that there's a Sexy Saturday feature?  Yes.  Don't miss it! Check out my bestie's blog at Cinema Club.

Okay, NOW I'm going to bed!

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately I must concur... Ryan does in fact look like a moose.... *facepalm*
